April Fool’s Day: Silly Dental Jokes!

Our team loves a good laugh and April kicks the month off right with April Fool’s Day.  Don’t worry–we decided to skip the pranks and go straight to the foolery! After all, they say laughter is the best medicine.  Here are some of our favorite dental jokes to keep you laughing all month long.


Dental Jokes

Q: What kind of award do teeth never want to receive?

A: A plaque.


Q: Why did the tree go to the dentist?

A: To get a root canal.


Q: What time do you go to the dentist?

A: Tooth-hurty!


Q: What has teeth, but can’t chew?

A: A comb.


Q:  What do you call a dentist’s advice?

A: Their floss-so-phy.


Last, but not least, here is a favorite joke from our beloved Dr. Knock:

Legend has it that comedian Rodney Dangerfield once asked his dentist for advice.  

“Doc – my teeth are yellow. What should I do?”

To which his dentist replied: “Wear a brown tie!”


We hope we tickled your funny bone with these jokes…we sure do love to see you smile!  If you have a great joke to share with us or need to schedule an appointment for a check-up, give us a call at 207.781.5900.


**Image courtesy of www.pearlriver.com