The Connection Between Oral Health and General Health

The Connection Between Oral Health and General Health

At FDA, we don’t just see your smile, we see you as a whole person. That’s because when it comes to improving your overall health, oral care is the gateway. Studies show that problems with your teeth and gums are linked with other health concerns like cardiovascular disease and diabetes. This means that brushing and flossing daily is a practice that will benefit you beyond just keeping your teeth clean and healthy…it benefits your whole body! Your dentist – Dr. Brunacini and Dr. Karagiorgos – can be a part of your health care team and help you set up an oral health plan that takes your whole body’s well-being into account. Here is a deeper look at some of the ways your oral health and general health are connected.

Cardiovascular Disease

This term refers to a group of disorders related to your heart and your blood vessels. According to the Cleveland Clinic, having poor oral health is associated with forms of cardiovascular disease like:

  • Coronary artery disease: This is the most common type of heart disease and can lead to heart attack. It’s the leading cause of death in the United States.
  • Clogged arteries: Studies show that people with periodontal disease have significantly higher rates of atherosclerosis, or plaque build up inside the blood vessels that deliver blood and oxygen from your heart to your body.
  • Stroke: Studies show a correlation between periodontal disease and strokes, specifically strokes related to atherosclerosis.


Diabetes increases your risk of dental diseases. One place you may experience symptoms is in your mouth. Some of the most common oral symptoms include:

  • Dry mouth: People with diabetes often have less saliva in their mouth so you may find yourself being parched.
  • Gum disease: If you notice bleeding when you brush or floss, you may have gum disease. Research shows keeping your blood sugar under control can help improve gum disease.
  • Problems with taste: You may begin to notice that food tastes differently from the way you remember, particularly sweet foods. If you have a persistent bad taste in your mouth, please come see us.
  • Periodontal disease: Nearly 22% of all diabetics develop this dental disease. It is a chronic, inflammatory condition that can destroy your gums and bone, and can also lead to increased blood sugar levels. Early signs include bad breath, swollen gums, and painful chewing.

Your health is important to us and we are committed to giving you the best care possible. As part of your care, the FDA team of caring and compassionate professionals will ask about your health history, medications, as well as your needs and questions as we put together a treatment plan for you. Our goal is to build a partnership with you as we make sure your mouth is healthy and supporting your overall health needs. If you have questions or concerns about your oral health, or need to schedule your next appointment, please give us a call at 207.781.5900.

Oral Health Tips for Summer Travel

Oral Health Tips for Summer Travel

Summer is here! Time to go to the beach and barbecue and take a vacation! When you pack your bags for your summer getaway, don’t forget your oral health care. Here are a few oral health tips for your summer travel from your friends at FDA!

A Traveling Toothbrush

If you’re flying somewhere this summer, pack your toothbrush and floss in your carry-on bag so you have it on hand even if your luggage doesn’t make it to your final destination right away. That way, you also have the option to brush your teeth on the airplane or during layovers to freshen up. We recommend packing your toothbrush in a plastic bag so you can keep it separate from other items. Just remember to let your toothbrush air dry when you get to your vacation spot.

If you find yourself temporarily without a toothbrush, a vigorous swish with water can help clear some of the cavity-causing bacteria, or put some toothpaste on your clean finger for a quick cleaning. Then, when you are able, pop over to a store and look for the softest toothbrush you can find. If you can find a toothbrush that is ADA approved, even better! Now, how do you say toothbrush in Spanish?

Pack Some ADA-Approved Gum

Don’t worry – sugarless gum won’t take up much room in your suitcase! Research shows that chewing sugarless gum after a meal can help prevent cavities by stimulating saliva, which helps wash away cavity-causing bacteria. Look for gum that has the ADA seal of approval. Not only will it support your oral health and freshen your breath, if you’re flying, sugarless gum may also come in handy for releasing ear pressure on the airplane. Win-win!

Brush with Bottled Water

If you are camping or traveling somewhere where the water supply is not safe for drinking, use bottled water for brushing your teeth and rinsing your toothbrush. This will help prevent any unwanted illness while you’re sight-seeing!

In Case of Dental Emergencies

You can always contact our office if you have a dental emergency while traveling. Dr. Brunacini and Dr. Karagiorgos can help assess if it is a situation that requires immediate attention or can wait until you get back home. Of course, the best way to limit tooth-aches while traveling is to practice preventative care with a solid oral health routine of brushing twice a day and flossing once a day!

If you are planning a trip for later in the summer and have concerns about your oral health or are experiencing any kind of tooth pain, come and see us before you hop on an airplane. That way we can make sure any issues don’t become larger problems while you’re trying to relax and have fun.

When you get home from your travels, you may realize you let go of some of your oral hygiene routine. Don’t stress about it too much, but focus on getting back to your normal routine of brushing, flossing, and coming in for regular check ups with the FDA team. Summer is also a great time to get your kids in for their appointments! Give our office a call if you need to schedule an appointment – 207.781.5900.

What If You Could Have the Smile of Your Dreams? Cosmetic Dentistry at FDA

What If You Could Have the Smile of Your Dreams? Cosmetic Dentistry at FDA

At FDA, we love helping our patients smile! However, if you’re self-conscious about showing your teeth, it impacts your confidence. You smile less, you laugh less, you may even talk less, all just to avoid letting others see your teeth. What if you could have the smile of your dreams? Many dental issues can be corrected through cosmetic dentistry. If your teeth are broken, chipped, crooked, stained or otherwise discolored, a simple consultation with Dr. Brunacini or Dr. Karagiorgos can set you on the path toward a better smile! In the majority of cases, just two visits to our office can help you achieve the smile of your dreams. Here is a brief overview of your cosmetic dentistry options:

Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is an affordable and painless procedure that can address many different cosmetic flaws or injuries, such as chips and discoloration, by smoothing out and repairing damaged teeth. At FDA, we use dental bonding to sculpt individual teeth with a special tooth-like material that looks, acts, and feels like the real thing. Bonding can also be completed very quickly; the composite resin adheres to your teeth and can then be polished and shaped to match your other teeth in one or two visits. Talk with Dr. Brunacini or Dr. Karagiorgos about how dental bonding can help you achieve your ideal smile.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is one of the most well known cosmetic treatments and a safe way to achieve the bright smile you’ve always wanted. We offer both in-office whitening and at-home options. Whitening previously restored teeth, especially in the front part of the mouth, can make the fillings more noticeable since the enamel will whiten while the fillings resist the bleach. Bleaching can also be uncomfortable if you have sensitive teeth, so reviewing your options with Dr. Brunacini and Dr. Karagiorgos will help you determine if bleaching is the best option for you.

Dental Implants

Dental implants provide a great long-term option for replacing lost teeth in a safe and predictable way, as they are designed to last a lifetime. Many people believe that if they can still eat, tooth loss isn’t an issue; however, missing teeth lead to a loss of support in the mouth and forcing other healthy teeth to drift. At FDA, we aim to make every process as comfortable and safe as possible, and we will help you to determine whether implants are the right choice for you.

Porcelain Restoration

There are many advantages to replacing your old metal crowns and bridges with porcelain. Porcelain restoration provides you with the translucency and shine of your natural teeth; the texture of the polished porcelain is very similar to that of enamel. When we fit a porcelain crown, we sculpt and shape the porcelain to fit perfectly with your existing bite, and the porcelain is hard enough to resist wear while soft enough to avoid damaging your natural teeth. Whether your reason is cosmetic, physical, or a bit of both, Dr. Brunacini and Dr. Karagiorgos are here to discuss your dental health goals with you and find the right fit.

So, if you feel the condition of your teeth has become a hindrance to your daily life or harmful to your overall health, it is time to make a change! Give us a call at 207.781.5900 and learn just how quickly your dream smile can become a reality!

It’s Oral Health Month!  Our Top Preventative Care Tips

It’s Oral Health Month! Our Top Preventative Care Tips

June is Oral Health Month which makes it a great time to review the best practices for optimal oral health. At FDA, we work closely with our patients to design a home health care regime because one of the most powerful ways you can support your oral health is to establish a strong preventative care routine. Preventative care includes any actions patients take to prevent disease and maintain a healthy smile. Here are our top preventative care tips that will help you keep your teeth sparkly and healthy!

A good oral care routine is important, especially when it comes to preventative care. Your healthy habits can prevent cavities and gum disease and will keep you smiling. We recommend:

  • Brush twice a day. Use a soft-bristled brush and be gentle with your teeth and gums. Super-charge your brushing with an electric toothbrush!
  • Floss once a day. We know it’s hard to stay consistent with flossing, but it is so crucial for your oral health. If you find flossing difficult, try a water flosser or use a product like ‘Go-Betweens’ or ‘Plackers.’ Find an option that works for you and stick with it!
  • Eat a healthy diet. Get your vitamins and minerals from healthy foods like yogurt, dark leafy greens, almonds, and apples. They are good for your body and for your teeth!
  • Schedule regular visits with one of our Hygiene team. Regular hygienist appointments allow us to fully support your oral health and catch oral health issues before they develop into larger problems. From our oral exams to 3D x-rays, and from our cleanings to cancer screenings, we provide care that will keep your mouth healthy and help prevent tooth decay and gum disease. We are your partner in oral health!

If you have questions about your preventative oral health routine or need to schedule an appointment, give us a call at 207.781.5900.

Oral Care for Sensitive Teeth

Oral Care for Sensitive Teeth

If brushing your teeth, drinking, or eating causes you pain, you may have sensitive teeth. Sensitive teeth are typically the result of worn enamel or exposed tooth roots. There are ways you can adapt your home-care routine to minimize your sensitivity. However, if you are really bothered by your sensitive teeth, the first thing to do is come in to see Dr. Brunacini or Dr. Karagiorgos. It’s important for them to examine your mouth and address any cavities, cracked teeth, worn fillings, or gum disease which may be contributing. Treatment options will vary depending on the nature of your issue and may involve adjusting your home care or coming in for a procedure. As always, we are your partner in your oral health care and will go over all your options so we can make a treatment plan that works for you. Here are a few oral care options for patients with sensitive teeth.

Be Gentle

A good oral hygiene routine is one of the best ways you can care for and prevent sensitive teeth. That said, when brushing twice a day, remember to be gentle! Brushing harder doesn’t mean you’re doing a better job! Use a soft-bristled brush to clean your teeth and to also massage your gums. Use soft, circular motions. Your teeth and gums will love the pampering!

Consider Your Toothpaste Options

We offer several types of toothpaste that are crafted to help with sensitive teeth. When used regularly, they can help reduce some pain while also improving overall tooth and oral health. MI Paste and MI Paste Plus is a uniquely formulated tooth crème fortified with calcium and phosphate to replace beneficial minerals lost from the tooth’s structure. Fluoridex is prescription strength fluoride toothpaste designed for use at home. It helps to prevent tooth decay and the development of harmful bacteria. Fluoridex is a great addition to your homecare routine to help strengthen the enamel and reduce tooth sensitivity. Please ask about these options at your next appointment! 

Be Mindful of Certain Foods and Beverages

Before guzzling a soft drink or sipping on wine, think about your teeth. Acidic foods and drinks can remove small amounts of tooth enamel over time, which will lead to sensitivity. If you do enjoy a soda or orange juice, do yourself a favor and drink some water as well to help balance the acid levels in your mouth.

Dental Bonding, Gum Grafts, & Root Canals

Beyond your home care routine, there are a few procedures that Dr. Brunacini or Dr. Karagiorgos may recommend for you to help address sensitivity. For example, if you have an exposed root surface, we can apply a dental bonding resin to the area to help protect it. If you have lost some gum tissue due to excessive brushing or gum disease, we may refer you to a periodontist for a gum graft, a procedure where gum tissue is taken from elsewhere in your mouth and affixed to your exposed root. If you are experiencing severe pain, we may refer you to an endodontist for a root canal. This procedure allows us to treat your tooth at its core – a soft substance called pulp.

Our goal in all of these procedures is to provide you with compassionate oral care that helps you have a healthy mouth and happy smile. Talk with Dr. Brunacini and Dr. Karagiorgos about your options if you are experiencing extreme tooth sensitivity; they will talk you through all the possible treatment plans that are right for you.

If you have questions about sensitive teeth or need to schedule your next appointment, please give us a call at 207.781.5900. We love to help our patients!